Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My Hearts Devotion! (Let it sink back in the ocean!--jk)

I got back from Puerto Rico last Monday after a quick trip to la isla with my mom, who had not been for the past 11 years!!

It was awesome (as usual) and eye opening. I didn't realize that my Mom, Dad, Step Mom, sisters, grandparents and aunt would equate to 10 people!! And that isn't counting my aunts and cousin on mom's side of the family!

I always liked thinking that I was blessed with the best of both worlds. When I'm with my dad I get to be with my sisters and be the "older sister" but when I'm with my mom I have the whole "only child" thing going for me (or not). Since I was mostly raised with my mother, I always though--my immediate family isn't that big. This is primarily because I have never seen my whole entire immediate family in one location.

So as I sat and had dinner with most of my family I realized just how crazy graduation was going to be (everyone is coming--yay!). And then along those lines I realized--OH MY GOODNESS!! I'M GRADUATING THIS YEAR! what on earth am I going to do?.

This is a question that if I had my way I would be putting answering it off till....let's say May 2009. >.<

As much stress normally ensues when this thought occurs I have decided to focus on more present issues...Orientation...Research...Rush. (I think I've gone cross eyed).

--signing off for now!--

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