Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I solemly swear, I'm up to no good--in memory of Prongs

Sometimes you put off getting in contact with someone in your life, and then it's too late.

My mom once told me that it was hard to keep your friends you made in high school all the way through my college years. 

But I'm sure she wasn't talking about my Marauders. The 5 people you see above are people that no matter how long ago I haven't spoken with them, no matter when's the last time I saw matter what--will always be my best friends.

As some put it--These are my people. 

We all went different ways, drifted apart in varying degrees--but once we'd get talking it was like we were in the same yellow colored room where we had all our "HQ meetings" (AKA, Sleep over at Dre's).

Brad, also known as Prongs (we all had Harry Potter aliases), was an ex-boyfriend turned best friend. He was the only boy of our group and also the only self declared Griffindor. He was shy when you first met him but once you got him in a group, hilarity ensued. In general Brad was one of those people who you know deserved way more than life gave him and you wanted to make everything better. 

I haven't spoken with Brad since his Birthday in September. He was down in corpus christi, Texas living with some family he's got down there. Yesterday, I received a phone call from his cell from his siblings letting me know that Brad passed away last week from a seizure in his sleep.

Brad was only 22 years old. 

Keep Brad in  your prayers...I want to say he's in a better place but honestly, it's too soon for me to believe that. 

As Jessie (Padfoot) posted on his wall;

 "Don't Worry Prongs, We'll get Wormtail for you. Love you, Miss you."

--signing off for now--

Dre (Pigwidgeon)

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