Monday, November 10, 2008


Thanks to my T-brenda, I have been getting into looking at designers of quilts--I'm now moving into "designers in general". One of my favorite quilt designers is Camille Roskelley from Thimble Blossoms.  On her Blog Simplify she is giving away a quilt of your choosing. :) pretty awesome huh?

This post get's me 3 more entries!! :D

--signing off

Monday, November 3, 2008


This is  your friendly Dre-approved reminder to VOTE TOMORROW!!!

This year there has been an outpouring of registrants to get to the polls on November 4th. For what some people are saying is one of the most important elections in our history. However statistically speaking, according to historical data, only 40-60% of Americans who register to vote indeed vote. 

Do you know how many people in Iraq voted? 100% of the population able to vote in Iraq did. 

People always complain about the lines and "how long it takes". Women in a country where their children can be a casualty of war just by going to school one day, in a country that doesn't view them as equals came out and stood in lines that took hours--not minutes--HOURS! 

So everyone who has registered to vote--I'm telling you a day in advance so you can mark it in your schedule!!!--VOTE!


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