Monday, March 31, 2008

How to Build a Bridge...

This weekends activities is enough to fill up TWO blogs. I had Nova Academy (dealt with angry and rude professor), a military ball (I escorted Paul), global union gala (missed because of the ball, however I did get an award--go me) and homework. >.<

For some reason my Professional Selling Class is prompting more thoughts and ideas than my Business Ethics Class.

On the First day of class I discovered that we were required to spend a whole day with a sales representative then write a report on it. Now I'm sure you're all wondering, "But Dre, what's the big deal with this?"
True, I was initially planning on just calling who ever I could get my hands on but here's the catch -- this day with a rep must "Build a Bridge to my Future"

dun dun dun

To my future? But Dr. Tyler, how does this work if I'm not sure what my future is exactly going to be? I will be 7 classes away from graduating this Fall, so a lot of my thoughts have been on this exact concern; my future.

However lets get back to this bridge building... so I was left with the task of figuring out what on earth would build a bridge to my future! Ack. So after much thought and a half hour meeting with my professor my goal in mind was one thing and one thing only... I have gotta find myself a beer/liquor sales rep. This choice came up because I look up to what my Godmother has done and decided that spending a day with a rep in this field was like seeing another perspective to it. It helps that last quarter I wrote an analysis on the online advertising of brewing and liquor companies.

So moving on, I initially had no clue where to start. My plan of action was to call my godmother, ask VERRRYY nicely if she still knew someone who could get me to not go through the insanity of finding a rep in my area. Then it occurred to me, Macgregor's is right off campus! Of course! I'll ask them who provides their beverages and get their number. They'd be local, they'd be available (I hoped). The one problem with my plan--I'm not 21 and I don't have a car to get me there. >.<

Now I just had to find the time. I JUST got the times down with Eleanor. In celebration I decided to get a green tea and rice crispy treat at the RITz, then go to my office hours in the Global Union office. As I was paying for the odd combo I looked at the sports bar. That's when it hits me.

I've spent to past two weeks trying to find time to go to Macgregors.



Needless to say after a happy conversation with the Sports Bar people at the RITz I am well on my way to getting a rep to shadow before the end of April.

geez-- I was so blinded by what was RIGHT in front of me!

In other news--I'm running for Global Union President. Our Slogan? Bridging the Gaps.

I guess you can say I was inspired...huh?

signing off for now--


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

--Giving Back--

My mission when I created this blog was that starting Spring Quarter I will post once a week about what I'm learning in class and such.

Obviously, as this is week 3 of the quarter-- I'm not up to a good start. >.<
"You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want"
For those who know me, they merely see me as the crazy girl who seems to be everywhere volunteering time that could be used for studying to help out. However, I assure people there is method to my madness--my proof is in the quote given in class shown above.

I understand that this concept was shown as a principle to Professional Selling in class. That it is in reference getting oneself out there. Basically if you believe in your product and you know it will help others then you will get those sales after going out on a limb for them. I see this as also relating slightly to CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)--getting involved in the community or being shown as being environmentally friendly can really help companies looking to improve their image. They technically "get what they want" (business) by helping others get what they want.

Time and time again my theory of putting yourself out there and helping others always gives back ten-fold.

I'll stay awake till the wee hours of the morning of Orientation--but down the road I've got a certificate that is practically complete from the leadership institute, an experience of a life time under my belt, 28 new students who know who I am, and the ever sought-after ability to think under pressure and about 4 hours of sleep.

Going that extra mile can sometimes be exactly what you need to get what you want.

So my challenge to who ever is reading this,go that extra mile and spend that extra hour doing something someone else needs (tutoring, proof reading, stage managing) and see if later on (remember this can be WAAAAYYY down the road) if it helped you in anyway.

To me, in the end, no matter what activity, at least appreciate the new perspective you get on a group, organization or person after spending that extra time.

--signing off for now--


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