Friday, May 9, 2008

I feel like taking over the world....

(anyone like to join me?) btw...24 more days till I'm in Japan.

So, I've had a pretty insane week. 2 Papers, 2 tests, Form 110 due, Retreat, Nova Academy and a spattering of E-board meetings and dinners. Most importantly--I have been trying to get into contact with my faculty adviser.

Let's step back to get the whole picture for a second...about 3 weeks ago i received a "invitation" to take part in a McNair's Scholars Program. This is a program dedicated to helping undergrad students with background that don't pursue a higher education after their bachelors and helps fund and teach research, something that most undergrads don't get a chance to participate in until they get into grad school. The purpose of this program is to help students be more marketable to schools.

If you asked me a year ago whether or not I was interested in conducting research I would've said no way. However now that I have been doing my research about Grad schools I realized that research and a topic that I was truly passionate about was going to be important. What better time to get my researching legs running than next year? So I decided that the McNair's Scholars program was for me. I also had an idea of what I'd research--over the summer I could do research in Japan and study the effectiveness of various marketing techniques used in the age demographics of 14-22

Only on kink in the whole issue. I was studying abroad this summer and therefore wouldn't be on campus for the summer start up program required. After speaking with some people and running around like a mad woman I was allowed to apply--however I needed a faculty member to sign as my adviser and supervisor of research. In my mind there was only one person that could do this--Dr. Neil Hair.

I've taken two of Professor Hair's classes and they truly changed my perspective of what I wanted to do after graduation. I gained an appreciation of business journals and the people who were published in them. I also got real experience working with clients. All in all I thought the person I wanted to go through this with would be Professor Hair.

Unfortunately he only has an online class this quarter and no office hours. We played email tag for a while and every time I passed the college of business I specifically knocked on his door to speak with him.I understood that e was really busy and that getting time this late in the quarter was going to be hard. After two weeks I was about to give up. However after my business ethics test I decided I should try one last time...I knocked...

"who is it" answered.

YAY! He was in.

Needless to say Dr. Hair has said he will be glad to help me and in fact has already started advising me. I've lowered my target age group from Japanese students from 14-22 to 18-22. I've also been looking into focusing more on a single industry rather than a broad "marketing techniques" as a whole.

I was so excited I think I did a happy dance when I left the building. :P

--signing off for now--

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