Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Christmas Time

:)  So Christmas totally rocked. My family is very big on the Christmas thing--the family is always together and we make a great mess of things. I think Ryan had a minor coronary with all the attention.( :P)  I had to explain that normally closed doors and laptop time is not quite as sacred in my house when my grandparents are over. So every 15 minutes there were questions--"what are you up to?" 

haha--I was so used to it I never thought much about it but it's generally dif
ficult to get 15 minutes without have someone be "up in your business". I like ot think it'
s because we're all so close anyways. haha. 

I had already gotten tickets to Transiberian Orchestra from Ryan and went to that in
 November, so I got one of my presents early. Some of the stuff I got was great...

the big purchase of the season? A sony E-book reader. My mom got one a while ago. I was only a bit jealous

Now I have my own pretty blue one! I recently did a project for my Marketing research clas
s discussing student's willingness to adopt E-books and I know that eventually these babies will be owned by most book worms world wide. (Although nothing can give you that "new/old book smell" *sigh*). 

I also got a 4Gb memory stick which now has ton
s of music and movies on it for my PSP. (I appreciated this since I had no Ipod Touch for my trips fro
m Rochester to Dallas and back.) I was ridiculously excited about
 getting it. :)

I also got a 500Gb hard
 drive--after my mom visited me for brickcity I was terrified by her comment of my hard drive sounding similiar to the one she used to have before it died. (I really thought the whirring noise was natural for the porr thing). 

So I got this new one and was in for a scare when I turned it on and heard-------nothing.  no joke, I thought it was broken. >.<

Amongst the other awesome things is was burberry the beat perfume. :) I've just gotten into the burberry scent (I always get the little piece of paper with the sampler to keep in my purse--it smells so nice!)

I also got bento box accesories--note to self: get a bento box. I also got stemless wine glasses and a super cozy hoodie...mmmm. 

Then I went to ryan's for New Years and hit the present jackpot!!

A cook book I've been lusting after since Fall because of the pretty pictures and a crock pot! I haven't decided what I want to make first!!

New Years was supposed to be going to First Night--however unlike my T-brenda I did not brave the storm--I got a reaaaallyyy bad cold. :(

Now I'm bad at school enjoying all my new presents--mmmm   :)

addendum: I also got crazy bling from T-brenda in the form of green peridot earrings. They be shiny on my ears. :D


Brenda said...

Hey, you forgot to mention those little earrings you had on your wishlist that just happen to come for Xmas too! What's up with that? HMMM, Not quite as nice as the crock pot and way less exciting than the ebook reader....I totally understand how the little studs did not make the Top ten list...but you put them on the list!

~*~ said...

:P I love those earrings (still wearing them!) Thank you T-Brenda.

Strlady said...

I say, You made out like a bandit!!
So many presents, so little time to enjoy them, sigh...


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